The time proportion for hyperglycemia includes two sorts: (1) the time proportion of a diabetic hyperglycemic (>11.1); (2) the time proportion of a general hyperglycemic (>7.8). When the time proportion of the first sort is more than 2%, it is in the diabetic state (note: the individual situations for short-time hyperglycemia, especially with glucose injections or the ingestion of a beverage with high sugar content, may differ) A diabetic hyperglycemic has severe diabetes, and the longer the time proportion, the more sever the hyperglycemic state. On the other hand, the time proportion for general hyperglycemia represents a hyperglycemic state that occasionally occurred among some middle-age to elderly people after meals, and existed generally among people with abnormal glucose tolerance. Their glucose peak values may exceed 7.8 after taking a beverage, or food with high glucose.

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