The report provides many dynamic glucose values and statistical results, which are displayed in the report automatically as illustrations and numbers. This report can be used to determine a number of things concerning a patient’s medical health. For example, by examining the overlapping illustrations after meals, and any individual dynamic changing characteristics. one can see that there seems to be no rules for every absolute peak glucose value after meals; whereas the dietàtime of one’s glucose peak value is basically a constant for everyone and represents a patient’s real physiology/pathology (absorption, metabolism ability, and state).

  Further, by comparing the illustrations of two patients, one can see that the growing speed of glucose is different, the time of reaching the glucose peak is different, and the declining speed from the glucose peak is different, too. Applying these dynamic data analysis may show some information with potential clinical value, which can not be seen directly. Study on these dynamic data with patients’ pancreas function, glucose absorption capacity of cells and other physical and pathological parameter, the common rule with clinic applying value will be found.

    The practical advantages of the information about patients’ glucose changes and their control factors provided by the illustrations an statistics are clear: by combining the statistics with the dynamic changes, doctors can evaluate and diagnose patients effectively .

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