The fluctuation ranges for diabetic patients greatly fluctuate throughout the course of a day, which exceeds the normal blue region in the DGMS’s illustrations. For most patients, there are more than 10 hours of glucose fluctuations during a 24-hour period. Usually, the glucose fluctuations are regular for type 2 diabetics, but lack consistency for type 1 diabetics and those type 2 diabetics who are in a late phase of the disease. Diabetics often encounter hypoglycemia at night and at daybreak (dawn phenomenon). The most dangerious is when it occurs during sleep because then it usually goes undiscovered.

  Diabetic patients’ terminal complications have a direct relationship with their long-term average glucose concentration. The real average glucose values may not be determined with just the current finger blood measurements. DGMS statistical tables may provide dependable average glucose values directly.

  The continuous curve gives a precise evaluation of the medicine’s effect. For example, sometimes sulfonylurea drugs can cause greater fluctuations, which can be captured by the continuous curve. Especially for insulin injection patients, glucose fluctuations are mainly controlled by insulin, which may cause hypoglycemia. So it is necessary to analyze the general glucose changing regulations in time, and adjust the insulin treatment, in order to receive the best treatment.

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