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-- the hypoglycemia problem of diabetic patients
What is diabetic hypoglycemia?
Fasting glucose of healthy people is between 3.9 and 6.1 mmol/L. Diabetic hypoglycemia refers to the disease of which the diabetic patients’ blood sugars are lower than 1.8 mmol/L and accompanied with a series of syndromes such as heart-throb, sweating, hand shivering, even being worried, twitch and coma.
What are the harms of hypoglycemia on diabetic patients?
Irritable hyperglycemia (somogyi effect) is a stage when the secretions of epinephrine, growth hormone, glucagons increase reactively.
Brain cell damage may result in being slow or even dementia (for those with repeated hypoglycemia)
Repeated hypoglycemia may result in intellectual impairment, hypoglycemic hemiplegia, psychosis, coma, even death (hypoglycemic brain disease).
Senile hypoglycemia may result in cardiac ischemia, arrhythmia even AMI.
Hypoglycemia may cause hydrocephalus, hypokalemia and acute stroke.
Interaction of hypoglycemia may cause disease of heart, brain, kidney and retina.
Diagnosis criteria
History of diabetes.
Symptoms of central nervous system or sympathetic nerve excitation.
Blood sugar concentrations are lower than 2.8 mmol/L.
Getting better after treated with glucose.
Principle of treatment
Mild altitude: treated with oral 50% glucose liquid, juice, sugar water or other food containing sugar.
Acute altitude: intravenous injection with 50~100 mL of 50% glucose solution, or venous instillation of 10% glucose solution for 48 hrs if it’s caused by drugs (insulin, hypoglycemic drugs), and adjust medication according to monitoring results of San MediTech.
Treated with high-protein food and 3~5 meals every day to avoid repeated hypoglycemia,
Critical patients should be treated in the way of shock, brain disease, coma and multi-organ failure treatments.
Use insulin and drugs properly.
Monitor the blood sugar with San MediTech DGMS to prevent non-symptom hypoglycemia and add meals when it occurs (snacks or cadies containing sugar)
Add food intake or reduce the drug dosage when physical exercises increase.
Bring the medical record along to facilitate rescue.
Bring the anti-hypoglycemic food along.
Prevent non-symptom hypoglycemia at night----San MediTech
Health training about hypoglycemia prevention.